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Sunday, May 19, 2024
Trivest Technologies
Data Security For Any Business
Logical Access Control

5 Effective Tips To Improve Data Security For Any Business

Cyber-attackers are always on the prowl, seeking which company or business to sabotage digitally. A data breach could immensely hamper your business and put your employees’ lives at risk. This is why every organization should pay good attention to data security and prioritize effective data security mechanisms to avoid being a victim of cyber-attacks.

To improve your data security level and keep your business digital assets safe, here are 5 important data security strategies to use.

Use strong passwords

You can’t afford to hold your password policies lightly. Using short, generic, and potentially easy-to-hack passwords for accounts with access to sensitive and valuable data spells danger. You must implement strong password policies emphasizing the combination of capital and lower-case letters, numbers, and symbols while creating passwords. The longer and more random your passwords are, the safer you are.

Avoid simple passwords like “Admin1”, “USER1” or“12345”, you can generate a password using tools like Secure Password Generator for stronger passwords. Don’t use birthdays, city names, or other personal information when creating passwords. Don’t write passwords on workstations or paper sheets where people can easily find them. Remember to change the passwords regularly, at least every 90 days.

Set up a strong firewall

In order to protect your digital network, you need a strong firewall as the first line of defense. Firewalls help you control and manage the internet traffic from and to your company network. With a working firewall, you’re guaranteed improved network security, and your hardware is protected from unauthorized access.

Educate your employees

A chain is as strong as its weakest link. Your staff can pose the biggest threat to your business’s cybersecurity if they are not well educated about potential threats. Therefore, you need to educate them fully and remind them that they are the custodians of the company’s safety.

Emphasize the importance of adhering to data security precautions and highlight the potential dangers of not following the guidelines. Talk about this during team briefings and company meetings. Newsletters, in-house brochures, and memos are also important media to talk about the importance of following cybersecurity and data protection policies in the company.

Appoint/hire a data protection officer

To make your campaign for strict adherence to data protection and safety more effective, consider hiring/appointing a data protection officer. Your data protection officer’s main responsibility would be to monitor compliance with data security policies and resolve in-house threats to safety. Also, your data protection officer follows the trends to ensure that your company is always abreast of legislation changes.

Conduct regular security audit

Installing an antivirus on every work computer and device will protect your organization from malicious attacks, but it’s never enough. You also need to perform a regular security risk assessment on your security infrastructure. A professional security organization will audit your security tools and techniques to expose weaknesses and resolve all threats.

Final words

In addition to the aforementioned tips, don’t forget to update your antivirus and all office applications regularly. Also, back up company data routinely and ensure it’s stored in a secure, remote location away from the office. Lastly, ensure all devices are encrypted and use two-factor authentication where possible.

For your professional security services in Nigeria, contact Trivest Technologies on +234-802-230-6494 or forward a mail to contact@trivestgroup.com

5 Effective Tips To Improve Data Security For Any Business
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5 Effective Tips To Improve Data Security For Any Business
Every organization should pay attention to data security and prioritize effective data security mechanisms to avoid being a victim of cyberattacks
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Trivest Technologies
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